Floyd County Moonshine, LLC, 720 Christiansburg Pike, Floyd, VA 24091-2440 USA

Copyright © 2008-2022 Floyd County Moonshine, LLC. All Images Copyright © Floyd County Moonshine LLC. ISSN 1946-2263

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Authors and artists contributing to this issue

Chelsea Adams

Sharon Mirtaheri

Jayn Avery

Felicia Mitchell

Brittany Bernier

Aaron Lee Moore

Neva Bryan

Salley Parlier

Ellie Canter

Tim Poland

Jake Cohen

Cynthia Ring

Mary Delaney

Rufus Skeens

Louis Gallo

Charles Swanson

Luke Johnson

Robert Williams

Christina Mastrangelo

Jim Wines

Issue 1.3 Spring 2009




Plus $1.92 shipping and 5% sales tax

78 pages of home-distilled literature